Monday, December 31, 2007

Ivan's First Photos

Ivan's First Photo Album

I bought Ivan a sub-$100 HP digital point & shoot camera for Christmas. The first couple days the box didn't even get opened. He didn't understand why he needed a camera because MOM is the one who takes all the photos - she's the photographer. It took a brief conversation with him to open his eyes and his mind to the idea that he could take his own photos and show his own perspective. Suddenly he was excited about it. This morning we decided to walk down to the school so they could play on the playground and explore around our neighborhood a bit. I suggested to Ivan to take his camera along and he really enjoyed his hour of photodocumentary work. *cheer* I'm so proud of him. (I took the first few photos and I put a caption where his work begins.)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas at Home - 2007

Christmas at Home - 2007

Click on the photo above to be magically whisked away to view my photo documentary of our family Christmas at home. Our first holiday season in our hip, happy little apartment overlooking downtown Fort Worth. Smiles and Season's Greetings to all from our family to yours.

Christmas in WF

Christmas in Wichita Falls

After we had our Christmas at home, we loaded up and headed out to visit Michael's family in Wichita Falls for the rest of the day.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Snazzy


I took the kids to see the Nutcracker ballet put on at Bass Hall by the Fort Worth Ballet. They were tickled to get dressed up "fancy," as they put it, after being dressed up just two days ago for their school winter program. (Ooops, did I get photos of the kids together that night!?) Anyway, we got in the doors late and were seated at the back of the floor. Those were good seats -- and since they were in the center, the kids enjoyed the view there. But during intermission we went to find the seats to match our tickets and the kids were at first annoyed that they were stage-level the first box to the right of the stage. They complained that they wouldn't be able to see anything from that angle. *giggle* I assured them to TRUST ME... and when the curtain rose again and the Sugar Plum fairy, et. al. came twirling on stage they were transfixed. I wish I had pictures of their expressions and their cute excited child-applause. It was PRICELESS! So, when we came home, I made them stand in front of a backdrop for a quick portrait to commemorate the evening.
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