Friday, November 30, 2007

Turkey Trot Poster


This is a sample of the posters I made for the kids' school to make a new display in the front entry way of the school celebrating the students doing the Turkey Trot the day before Thanksgiving break started. Note that is Ivan in the squad car... he fell down on the first stretch of the race, but when the car drove up to where I was I encouraged him to get out and run the last bit of the race. So, imagine me in my bright red winter jacket running down the street holding my big work camera in one hand and Ivan's hand in the other hand bounding along together... once we got to where the spectators were I let go of his hand and I jumped up to the sidewalk and let him run by himself to the cheers and clapping and urging of everyone from his school. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life to be there hearing every student, every teacher, and every parent present cheer each and every child across the finish line -- from first to last. It made me well up alternately with tears of pride and awe. The race had nothing to do with the running. I hardly sensed competion there at all. It was all about cheering for the others, about community and team-building. I am grateful to have been there to be a part of it and witness it with my camera that chilly morning.
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