November 4th. Took the kids and a couple bags of stale bread crusts to the duck pond before dropping in at IHOP for the kids' favorite dinner: breakfast. :-) They enjoyed putting on a show for the ducks (and geese, yes, there are geese in the photos too -- I know who will point this out to me if I don't comment on it -- you know who you are). Then Bianca wanted to climb up one of the grassy hills, and that's when they saw the people sliding down on cardboard. In the past they have always considered this very curious and odd behavior, but this time they were intrigued and wanted to try it out. So Mother consented and the children commenced their sliding down the hill on old cardboard. I even got into it once or twice myself, and I have to admit it was great fun reminiscent of tobogganing down the huge snow hills as a kid, but without the burning cold of snow getting into my mittens! Great fun. Next time I think we should remember to bring out own cardboard boxes... (let's not even go there. EW!) Suffice it for now that we used LOTS and LOTS of hand sanitizer when we got back to the truck. (Oh, and don't forget to click on the little square photo above to see the whole album.)