Sunday, September 03, 2006

It seems the candy dish was the main attraction at Carrie's house for my kids.
Crazy Bunch! The kids had stained tongues from popsicles they were showing off.
A horrible embarrassing photo of me and Carrie. We've known each other since we were 3 years old. A lifetime of friendship... and sometimes bickering. When you grow up spittin' distance from someone and are involved in all major aspects of life together from church to school bus to english class, you tend to know too much about each other. We're complete opposites, and yet we're exactly the same. It's really quite frightening. I love you dearly and forever! (We need to get together more often. Without my kids next time. :-)
The girls cracking up at Ivan, Master Photographer. He really does a pretty good job. I always have to crop and straighten his photos, but he can compose and shoot better than my mom... which isn't really saying much. *sorry Mom!* Posted by Picasa

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