Monday, December 12, 2005

Mommy & Me

Most of you know, my mom flew down to visit the week before Thanksgiving. She had to get home to make a turkey for Dad and Ken, but she spent most of the week before with us. She's so amazing with kids. Mom's patience, tolerance, and creativity is unmatched. I did not inherit it, nor has it rubbed off on me. It was a wonderful week for me, and I wish I had taken more photos and more video. After it was over and I regretted that, I realized that I had been living and enjoying the visit rather than being a spectator observing it as I guess I do more when it's someone else's family. Having her here as a presence in my home was special indeed, and after Mom was home again I missed her deeply. Why do we live so far away? Ha - that's a topic for another time. ;-) Posted by Picasa

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