Saturday, April 30, 2005

I got a new camera today. With all these big cameras, I've begun to notice recently that I don't get the little impromptu shots of life around the house or out and about. I decided to shop for a teeeny tiny camera that I could carry in a pocket or wouldn't mind hanging around my neck. I found a little Exilim on sale in town and took the plunge. (ie: $$$) I shot around the house all day, both for fun and also to get a variety of test shots to see if this is a camera I can live with. Although it's a highly rated and much-recommended camera, I was struggling with whether or not I could accept the image quality. After sleeping on it a night, I think I can try to relax my standards and be a little free capturing life as it happens, rather than arranging it perfectly and creating perfect mood lighting. Laugh if you will, but my little pocket point and shoot digicam is teaching me a lesson in surrender and enjoying the little things in life. // This is Ivan showing off his domino creation. Posted by Hello

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