Saturday, April 30, 2005

For those who are asking me where all this singing stuff is coming from... This is Eunsuk ("Dr. Sue"), our music teacher. Michael started lessons with her over a year ago. After Michael's Christmas performances, he convinced me to sign up with Dr. Sue for lessons too. I had two semesters of voice lessons in college, but that was a few years ago. Dr. Sue is an amazing teacher and in only a few months got me prepared to perform at her church. I am signed up at another church this month, and then the group recital in June for all her students. In the meanwhile, she is encouraging us to sing with her church choir as often as possible. Dr. Sue is also becomming a fun friend to have around. Last week we went to the mall together and she also took me to see Renee Fleming perform at Bass Hall. *wow* Posted by Hello

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