Saturday, April 30, 2005

I got a new camera today. With all these big cameras, I've begun to notice recently that I don't get the little impromptu shots of life around the house or out and about. I decided to shop for a teeeny tiny camera that I could carry in a pocket or wouldn't mind hanging around my neck. I found a little Exilim on sale in town and took the plunge. (ie: $$$) I shot around the house all day, both for fun and also to get a variety of test shots to see if this is a camera I can live with. Although it's a highly rated and much-recommended camera, I was struggling with whether or not I could accept the image quality. After sleeping on it a night, I think I can try to relax my standards and be a little free capturing life as it happens, rather than arranging it perfectly and creating perfect mood lighting. Laugh if you will, but my little pocket point and shoot digicam is teaching me a lesson in surrender and enjoying the little things in life. // This is Ivan showing off his domino creation. Posted by Hello

Ivan wanted Mommy to take pictures of him with the new camera, so he demonstrated his amazing ability to (*drumroll please...*) Stand On One Foot. *applause* Posted by Hello

Not one to be out done, Bianca took a turn to show us that she can stand on one foot too. (Her hair is in funny pony tails like that because she was hot and sweaty and I didn't feel like doing pigtails because it takes too long to get the part right. I know, I'm a baaaad mommy. Michael thought this hairdo was cute on her. *hehe*) Posted by Hello

(more first day with new camera fun) Echo enjoys licking Michael's scratchy chin. Hmm, I dunno, but it looks a little like Michael enjoys it too? ;-P Posted by Hello

More test shots with the new point & shoot digital camera. What a sweet angel face. ():-) Posted by Hello

:-P Guess what? It's my blog! I can put pictures of my boobs on here if I want to! Muahahahahaha! // Here's the story, I saw this shirt while out shopping the other day and it amused me so much I had to buy it and wear it to Ivan's MOMS Club playgroup. Even more amusing was that another MOMmy there wore a bright pink shirt of the same color that said, "Never underestimate the power of a good alibi." *giggle* Michael was so tickled by my shirt that he had to test out my new camera and get a shot of it. We have a lot of fun around here. (Are you having this much fun? You need to relax more. ;-) Posted by Hello

Daddy reading a story to Bianca after he got home from work. Kind of a fuzzy photo because one of the kids got a fingerprint across the lens of the little camera and I did not know until Michael pointed it out later. Ooops! Cute moment captured anyway. (That's ketchup on her shoulder. She would eat ketchup with a spoon if we allowed her. Ok, I confess, sometimes I give in and let her...) Posted by Hello

Mommy and Bianca hugging after Bianca's afternoon nap. Oh c'mon, it's a new camera. I had to make excuses to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Gotta test it out... Posted by Hello

Pastor Al took this photo of us after service the Sunday I sang at their church. This snapshot appeared with the caption in the next Sunday's worship bulletin. (Bianca's name is spelled wrong, but it's CUTE nonetheless!) Oh - ha - by the way - Pastor Al is notorious for altering the aspect ratio of photos, so people usually get printed with squished heads like this one. Only he usually squishes people more. I requested the non-squish treatment on my photo. *giggle* Posted by Hello

Pastor Al at Dr. Sue's church enjoys roving around after service with his digital camera getting fun shots for the church bulletin. This picture of Dr. Sue with Bianca and Ivan was on the back page last week. The kids both really love Dr. Sue. She seems to bring out the best in them. (Well, maybe not in this photo. ;-) Posted by Hello

For those who are asking me where all this singing stuff is coming from... This is Eunsuk ("Dr. Sue"), our music teacher. Michael started lessons with her over a year ago. After Michael's Christmas performances, he convinced me to sign up with Dr. Sue for lessons too. I had two semesters of voice lessons in college, but that was a few years ago. Dr. Sue is an amazing teacher and in only a few months got me prepared to perform at her church. I am signed up at another church this month, and then the group recital in June for all her students. In the meanwhile, she is encouraging us to sing with her church choir as often as possible. Dr. Sue is also becomming a fun friend to have around. Last week we went to the mall together and she also took me to see Renee Fleming perform at Bass Hall. *wow* Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Ivan was eager to get into a few photos too. Today, Sunday, was the day I sang at Dr. Sue's church. (I did a great job, by the way. :-) I think the bliss of having survived and conquered still glows on my face here. Posted by Hello

Bianca and Daddy pose for a quick snapshot. Bianca's teachers asked for a recent "Daddy & Me" and "Mommy & Me" photos. Sounds like they've got a project cookin'. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This is an old shot I dug up. This is Ivan when we still lived in the apartment in Dallas. He's not quite Bianca's age now in this photo. Posted by Hello

See, I went along to the Botanical Gardens, really I did. This is the only photo I appear in: a really atrocious self-portrait reflected off the side of the van. Sing with me! "I'm too sexy for my van, to sexy for my van..." Posted by Hello

Finding flowers with Grandpa. Posted by Hello

*hehe* Bianca, don't blow on flowers, smell them! Posted by Hello

That's right, smell it. Posted by Hello

Wow! I found some really cool trash in the dirt! Posted by Hello

Bad family group shots: this is precisely why you should hire a professional! (oops, nevermind) Posted by Hello

He sure is proud of his little friend. "Can I take him home?" Uhh... umm... yeah, I guess... Posted by Hello

Wish the fountains had been running. Darn. Posted by Hello

It's a long way down! Posted by Hello

Bianca & Grandpa Posted by Hello

Tickly caterpillar Posted by Hello