Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sea World

I needed to get away for the weekend, so after picking the kids up after work on Friday we hit the road to San Antonio and had a Sea World kind of weekend. They sure know how to suck the money out of your pockets there, but we had a great time and memories (and photos) to last a lifetime. I wish I could tell all the stories here, like when Ivan touched a dolphin for the first time and excitedly told Bianca, "It's feels like touching wet leather!" I giggled and couldn't help but mutter under my breath, "That's because they ARE leather," and Ivan looked at me quizzically so I added, "As a matter of fact, Ivan, YOU are made of leather... just a different sort." I'm sure those comments will come back in some confusing conversations at a later date. I can already hear Michael asking me, "WHAT did you tell the kids!?"

Anyway, fun times. I can't wait to post more photos. You just gotta see Bianca's face painting. Wow. Another story begging to be told.

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