Sunday, March 18, 2007

Finally Home

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For now... what would I whisper to you about my life? Tonight I would whisper that I feel like I've finally come HOME now that we live downtown. I love the pulse of the city. I love the people, the diversity, the laid back feeling. It's not like the suburbs where everyone seems out to keep up with the Joneses. Downtown we have rich and poor and snobby and sweet, and everyone just kinda mingles and melds and you never know who you'll meet around the corner. I love the sidewalks and the flowerpots and the restaurants and the patio seating. I love being just a few blocks away from the Improv, the Chocolate Store, the dance clubs, Target, salons, everything, anything, the kids' school. I love the parking garage at our apartments and the view from my bedroom of the city lights.

I'm finally home.

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