Monday, March 19, 2007

Look Twice

I've uploaded about 215 family photos this weekend. That should be enough to get you to look twice. (And for those of you who might be wondering, this is a photo of me in the car being bored out of my mind driving around west Texas tumbleweed towns last week for work. Yes, I was wearing two pair of glasses. I was just being silly. We tend to do strange things when we're bored... and then take photos of our inanity... and then blog them for all to see. Any questions?
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Just Bein' Silly....

Hooray hooray! I finally posted a few new albums of photos of the kids! Enjoy...
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

ALBUM: Kite Flying

ALBUM: Go Fly a Kite, or Two - March 19, 2007

I bought a couple kites while out with Ivan on Friday, and here are a few snapshots of our attempts to fly them at the duck park Sunday afternoon in perfect blissful weather. (No, there weren't any ducks in this part of the park. Sorry, those photos will appear in another album, maybe, someday. :-)

ALBUM: Total Inanity on St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day 2007
Dinner out at the local sushi & hibachi restaurant, followed by the first attempt at hot rollers in Bianca's fair hair.

ALBUM: City Livin'

Spring 2007 - New Apartment

Photos since beginning of February since we've moved into the apartment downtown.

Finally Home

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For now... what would I whisper to you about my life? Tonight I would whisper that I feel like I've finally come HOME now that we live downtown. I love the pulse of the city. I love the people, the diversity, the laid back feeling. It's not like the suburbs where everyone seems out to keep up with the Joneses. Downtown we have rich and poor and snobby and sweet, and everyone just kinda mingles and melds and you never know who you'll meet around the corner. I love the sidewalks and the flowerpots and the restaurants and the patio seating. I love being just a few blocks away from the Improv, the Chocolate Store, the dance clubs, Target, salons, everything, anything, the kids' school. I love the parking garage at our apartments and the view from my bedroom of the city lights.

I'm finally home.

ALBUM: A Day Out with Ivan on Spring Break

Ivan Spring Break

Note the new shoes from Stride Rite -- they have super balls built into the soles. He swears it makes him bouncier. ;-) (March 16th)

ALBUM: Bianca's Birthday Party at Home

Bianca's Family Party

The theme for Bianca's 4 year old birthday parties this year was TINKERBELL!

ALBUM: Bianca's Bounce Party

Bianca's Bounce Party

Bianca turned 4 years old the end of February, and here are her party pictures.