Monday, February 27, 2006

How sweet is that?

Bianca and her baby, Emily. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Princess Bianca!

My little sweetie is 3 years old.
(...more photos of the party forthcoming soon...)
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Afternoon playtime and cartoons

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Domino tower

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:: Ivan and his puppy puppet ::

Get ready for some silly faces... Posted by Picasa
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((( Notice the missing tooth :-)))Posted by Picasa

Vroom vroom!

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"Show me your muscles"

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Strange pillows

Bianca had an odd choice of pillows she selected for resting on to watch afternoon cartoons with her brother. I couldn't resist getting a few snapshots. What a doll. Posted by Picasa

Having a ball... or two

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Sweet Creatures

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

♥ Best Friends ♥

Best friends forever, as any mother would wish. Posted by Picasa

Vampirish in training

Is it just me, or do you think she looks like a little vampire scoping out the best place to bite too? Posted by Picasa

Ivan hiding from the camera. As usual.

He doesn't do this much anymore, but when he does I happen to find it pretty amusing. I know, I should have a lot more empathy for him as I was once a very camera shy little kid myself. Look where it got me? *devilish giggle* Posted by Picasa

Ivan hiding from the camera. Again.

Yes, in case you're wondering, that is in fact a 100% authentic vintage Ghostbusters comforter Ivan is hiding behind. It's been in the family for years, and it's been part of some very special milestones for us. Did you know that we were snuggled up, feet to feet, under this blanket on the couch back in our north Dallas apartment when Michael proposed to me? *awww* As much of an eyesore as this blanket may be, it's got far too much sentimental value in it to get rid of it. Oh... and it's darn warm and cozy still too! Posted by Picasa

Bianca's Professional Photography

First let me start by clarifying, yes, I am indeed insane. I let my wee little hyper children who enjoy destroying Lego castles and block towers use my very big very expensive work camera. Ok, I'm crazy. But it was kinda fun! It was neat seeing Ivan concentrate and work to focus on the right focal point and it was fun to see Bianca's little sweet fingers struggling to hold the big camera in front of her face and searching to find the shutter button. It was a special moment of connecting with my kids on my turf for a change, instead of stooping to theirs, they rose to mine. It was fun. So, here it is, Bianca's professional portrait of her mommy and big brother. :-) Posted by Picasa

Ivan's Professional Photography

Ivan took this photo of Bianca with my big camera. Posted by Picasa

Loose Toofh

This was the last night for that tooth. Mere minutes after this photo was taken, the "longer" front center tooth came out. It spent the night under Ivan's pillow waiting for the Tooth Fairy.Posted by Picasa

Baby Doll Lovin'

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"Drink your bottle all up, Baby."

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What sibling rivalry???

See, they really love each other. Sometimes. Posted by Picasa

Instant Insanity

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