Sunday, January 08, 2006

Trying to catch up.

ARGH! I've been so behind on posting photos since Thanksgiving, so please pardon the mess! I'm trying to catch up bit by bit on some of the holiday fun. Just keep in mind that many of the photos will be out of order, so please read the captions to figure out what is what and when these events occured. My apologies. Life just doesn't ever seem to get any less-busy. It's crazier day by day.

Oh! A happy note! My first real furniture arrives here on Tuesday! I'm so excited! I can't wait to get my livingroom group in the door and also to paint the guestroom and buy a mattress for the bed that is being delivered to that room. I'm so tickled!

(There are far too many exclamation points in this post. Eeep!)

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