Monday, October 31, 2005

"E-he-he-he-he-he! I'll get you my pretty!" Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween!!! Posted by Picasa

Bianca was a sweet witchy. Posted by Picasa

Ivan's Spiderman impersonation Posted by Picasa

The powers of the dark witches vs. that annoying do-gooder, Spiderman. *blam!* *pow!* *zowie!* Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The last weekend in October, Ivan went on a canoeing / camping trip with Daddy, Great-granddaddy, Uncle David, and Great-uncle Larry. They canoed down the Brazos River and camped overnight on an island. This was Ivan's first big outdoors outing. Mommy & Bianca stayed home, visited friends, rolled homemade sushi, and painted their fingernails green. (photo by daddy) Posted by Picasa

Bluffs along the Brazos river. (photo by daddy) Posted by Picasa

Here's Ivan showing off his 'precious.' (think LoTR Smeagol....) Great-granddaddy unwittingly supplied Dr. Pepper for all of the campers, down to the littlest one, who became an instant addict. Oh my! No more Dr. Pepper for him. He's a fiend after the first sip. (photo by daddy)Posted by Picasa

Ivan the Adventurer beside his canoe. (photo by daddy) Posted by Picasa

Along the river. (photo by daddy) Posted by Picasa

At the campsite where they stayed the night. Daddy forgot to take pictures until after he had pulled down the tents. Ooops... he was pretty disappointed when he realized. (Other than that, he took some really good photos!) Posted by Picasa

There were cattle crossing the river and Ivan looked up and exclaimed, "Let's catch one and eat it!" Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 28, 2005

This is one of the few shots I got at Bianca's preschool Halloween party. It was horribly disorganized there and 2 year olds just don't have the attention span to sit around waiting for 2 hours while everyone parades around the center in their costumes. It was chaos. Blech! (I was not a happy camper...) Bianca wanted to go home with Mommy, so before the junk food start flying around, I grabbed my girl and we hit the road. We had a fun afternoon with Eddie and Tiffany instead, and I think I have decided to take her out of that preschool and keep her home more. :-) I am feeling happy about that decision. Maybe this was just the kick in the pants that I needed? (FYI - In case you didn't notice, Bianca is the little sorceress in black and red in the lower right corner. I had a matching hat and cape with spiderweb motif. Oo la la!) Posted by Picasa

Today we visited the Pumpkin Patch on main street with our friend Eddie and his mommy Tiffany. Posted by Picasa

Bianca on the go! Posted by Picasa

Bianca and our friend Eddie loading up wagons. (Tiffany and I felt a little bit bad that the kids had so much fun and we had no intent to buy anything, but at $3 for a tiny pumpkin, sorry!) Posted by Picasa

Bianca was excited to try on the Pooh costume at Walmart, but it was a touch on the small side. Cute cute! Posted by Picasa

I think she wins the award for "Most Unusual Breakfast Attire." (She was also wearing pink pj pants and fluffy purple slippers. But no shirt. Gosh, no wonder she's cold! *giggle*) Posted by Picasa

Ivan wearing his new sunglasses upsidedown. Hey, it amused me at the time. :-) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

(read the caption on the photo) Posted by Picasa

Ivan's school is doing Red Ribbon Week (just say no to drugs activities) and the theme for today was to wear a hat that shows what you like to to do. Ivan was feeling sick today, so he had to stay home and miss out, but we had already done the hat for school. I told him we could take pictures of him in his hat and email them to his class to share with them! He loved this idea. So, here's Ivan's what-I-like hat complete with paintbrushes, crayons, toy cars, lollipops, music notes, and Spiderman. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 17, 2005

One of the more humorous shots from baby Julie's birthday party. Dr. Sue is getting cuddly with the cowboy who entertained the crowd with music during lunch. (Where was David on Sunday anyway?...) Posted by Picasa

This is one of my favorite photos from the party on Sunday. Baby Julie turned 1 year old and her parents wanted to keep their Korean traditions for her party. This scene is a custom where they lay out various objects and let the baby chose which she likes best, to show what she will be when she grows up. Her first choice was the pen, so they said she will be a writer. Soon after she picked up the conductor's baton, so she may also be musical like her father. ;-) A little budding artist, to be sure! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I went with Ivan's kindergarten class today to the pumpkin farm / petting farm field trip. More photos later.... there's lots of material from this trip. I took my work camera and had a lot of fun shooting all the kids. It was a great overcast day for it -- beautiful diffused light -- and perfect temperatures and no sun to fry us. What a nice day. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 10, 2005

We got some bbq takeout on Sunday and headed over to a park for a picnic and then the kids played on the jungle gym for a while with other kids who showed up there with their family. It was a Norman Rockwell Sunday afternoon, well, for the most part. Posted by Picasa