Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sasha & Bianca
Michael commented that this was a pretty cheesy photo, but I reminded him that the girls are only two years old! After this session one of them peed on the floor. They are incredibly sophisticated for their age, but they are still two years old.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

JustaMom said...

Thanks for the sweet comments, Tarantula! I tried to click on you to email you back, but your profile is not viewable. :-( So, I'll reply here. Yes! in fact, I am a professional. My blog name is meant as tongue-in-cheek irony for family and friends who knew me when all I had was a plastic dime-store camera. More than that, the demands of motherhood seem pretty heavy at times, and although photography is my passion, my family always comes first. Hopefully that makes sense to you. Enable your blog so I can come peek, even if it is a different language, there are plenty of online translation service. ;-) Thanks for visiting!