Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Newer ME!

I'll be blunt. The photos from end of April in College Station were a wake-up call. Time to lose weight and get back to being mean and fit. I've been working diligently for a month and getting positive comments from those around me. *cheer* My friends at my certified professional photographer study group wrangled me into doing a portrait session after our meeting this week. Here are a couple of my favorites... but these are still classified as "before" photos in my mind. We're going to do this again in two months as motivation to keep on the right track and keep working toward my goal of being a hot momma again. ;-)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Ivan! (belated)

Although his birthday was a couple weeks ago, last weekend we were finally able to schedule a party together with Ivan's grandparents from out of town. Poor kid, with the end of school always confusing the calendar around his birthday, he rarely gets a real KID birthday party. We tried this year, but the invites went out late and never got a call from any of the parents. What can ya do? (It doesn't help that the school he goes to isn't exactly the demographics we had in the suburbs. Living downtown is just... "different." Let's just say it's very "diverse" and although we try to avoid generalizations and stereotypes, some how they seem to stand up when it comes to parent and community involvement.)

We can only do what we can do, and we've done what we could.

So for now, enjoy the photos. I'll try to go back in time and post more as the week goes by. With the kids out of school I'm home more, but the time is more interrupted as well.

May-June 2008