Thursday, January 31, 2008

Western Day


The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is in town this month. The kids got some coupons for a free visit to the stock show from school, and there was some buzz about no school this Friday. (As if we're going to take our kids there... well, I would, but Michael is anti-rodeo because he thinks it is animal cruelty.) Anyway, I wake up at 7:05 this morning to hear the kids telling their father, "We can't wear our normal school uniforms because it's WESTERN DAY today!" Oh my. I didn't get much notice on this one. Last night I was out at a photography seminar late and didn't get home until midnight. Then I wake up groggy and have to think fast... the kids each have cowboy hats and I gave Bianca a genuine Panhandle Slim cowgirl shirt for her birthday last year. But Ivan's cowboy boots are a few sizes too small now.... hmm.... well, this was the best I could muster. Ivan had to wear his normal shoes, but at least they were black and sort of blend in with his outfit. (Sorry for the sock feet in the photo. I wasn't given much time to capture this before they had to head out for school.)
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Purse By Any Other Name...

...or in this case it really is a tote bag...

I did some portrait sessions with my own kids this week to prepare Valentine's Day promotional materials. We had gotten into a conversation about how children in clothing and toy catalogs and commercials always look like they are having so much fun, that is what makes you want to buy what they are selling. So then they started asking about the advertising that I did for my portrait studio and, long story short, they decided that THEY were going to be my models. They didn't want me putting other people's children on my purses and totebags! It was a classic, memorable moment. It also prepped them to be oh so cooperative and we had great artistic collaboration. They enjoyed coming up with posing ideas and it became one grand party.

For anyone interested, I have a catalog page of handbags and prices online. Sizes range from cosmetic bags and lunch boxes up to pretty satchels and baby bags with everything in between. Email me for details!

ALBUM: "Urban Kid" Photodocumentary Series

Urban Kid

{{{ click on the photo above to see the whole album }}}

I've been promoting my idea of taking kids out on the town for cool, splashy color, urban-themed action photography. It's portraiture after a big guzzle of Dr. Pepper, bouncing off the walls, and loving every moment. (No, I don't actually give your child caffeinated soda to drink. I don't even give my kids Dr. Pepper. :-)

Ivan loves to have his hair spiked into a faux-hawk, as our barber once called it. I thought it would be a perfect fit to take him to this restaurant where all the walls are bright graffiti and let him show me his sillier side.
