Wednesday, January 24, 2007

ALBUM: Our Family Christmas at Home

Click on the photo above to see the album of the children opening their gifts on Christmas morning.

ALBUM: WF Christmas

These are the photos of the kids from our visit to Michael's family in Wichita Falls on Christmas.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

City Kids

(January 11. Mommy took us out to lunch together.) These two are getting pretty comfy being downtown for school. Ivan's school takes them to the city library each week, although Bianca's class doesn't typically venture any farther than the school playground. On occassion Daddy walks down and picks up one of the kids and walks to a nearby restaurant for special lunches with Daddy. (It also means that's one less bag lunch Daddy has to pack in the morning when Mom is out of town!) We're all looking forward to finding an apartment or townhouse downtown so we can live closer to their school and M's work. Time spent in the car commuting is family time wasted. It's a new lifestyle, but it's an exciting new chapter for all of us!
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Saturday, January 13, 2007


Ivan loves his new Nintendo DS that Santa brought him for Christmas that he plays it every chance he gets. And when he isn't allowed to play it, you can bet we hear him asking often, "When can I play my DS again?" *sigh* Mom is starting to wonder exactly what Santa was thinking when s/he came up with this idea. :-P
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Picure Pages

Bianca is proud of her coloring... and so is Mom. :-) I think she does pretty darn well for an almost-4 year old.
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Saturday, January 06, 2007

I know I need to put my Christmas photos online!

...more to come soon... I promise!
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