Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Day at the Park. June 13, 2006

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Balancing on the high wire. Posted by Picasa

Woah! Impossible. Two kids in ONE photo. Unbelievable. Posted by Picasa

Princess Bianca rules the playground. Posted by Picasa

Wheee! Posted by Picasa

Eenie meenie minee mo... which toy should I play with next? Posted by Picasa

I don't think anyone called, "Ice Cream!" so I'm not sure why he's running like that. ;-) Posted by Picasa

Heading back to the van. Sun-zapped. Tired-out. Time for cold drinks and snack bags. Posted by Picasa

Blanket Baby

Bianca thinks if she covers herself up in a blanket she's "hiding." I'm not sure it's very good hiding if you're sitting on someone while you do that. Posted by Picasa