Tuesday, March 28, 2006

MOMS Club Playgroup at the Park

Monday, March 27, 2006. It was Kite Day today, incidentally. Posted by Picasa

"Will it fly?" I dunno, but I'm gonna try.

Tiffany cuttin' up with the kite. She wasn't able to get it to fly yesterday, but we all agreed it was way too gusty then. Today seemed like it could be the perfect day. Posted by Picasa


It will fly. Hooray! (oh, and that tree wasn't as close as it appears. no, really.) Posted by Picasa

Kite Day

Ivan flying Eddie's dragon kite at the park. Posted by Picasa

Go fly a kite

Ivan was super-enjoying the time he spent flying the kite with Tiffany. It's so fun to see him doing those things. Posted by Picasa

Hanging around on the playground

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Here she comes

Well, she's Miss America to me. *awww* My sweetie girl. Posted by Picasa


Gosh my little girl is growing up. There she goes... Posted by Picasa

Are you clausterphobic?

The school age girls were all asking each other if they were clausterphobic. I had to come along and ask if any of them needed to make a stinky... and they all busted out laughing until they came rolling out of the tunnel. I thought this was a neat set up for a shot of Bianca on the outside. There was another older girl who came to sit at the end next to B. I think they were all hiding from "the monster" that was chasing them at the time. I enjoy how the older kids really involve and look after the little ones. MOMS club is "good people." :-) Posted by Picasa

Watch out for Eddie

For the record, he did put his shoes on all by himself today. ;-) Posted by Picasa

My Cookie Monster

MOMS Club playgroups are synonymous with all-you-can-eat junk food for my kids. Not because I allow it, but because there's so much available and impossible to police both kids at the same time. *sigh* But they have fun. Posted by Picasa

There's no hiding...

..when you've been caught eating Oreos. Posted by Picasa

A duel to the death!?

Nope. They didn't even know they were lined up there. But they were darned cute! Posted by Picasa

The Best of Friends

Tiffany swinging with Bianca. She & Eddie our our best friends these days. *cheer* Posted by Picasa

Monkey monkey

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"Feel the wind on your tongue..."

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Dirty Boys

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Tiffany was playing some sort of chase game with Ivan, and here she had just snuck up on him hiding in the tube and scared him into fleeing. Fun fun! Posted by Picasa

The Mighty Dinosaur Hunters

Ivan and Eddie were pretending that all of the parking stumps were mean dinosaurs that they were hunting. *giggle* Posted by Picasa

Eddie was in a good mood today

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Ready... aim...

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Diggin' in the rocks

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Gotta wonder...

Do you think maybe he won't look so goofy once he's got teeth filling in those gaps again? ;-) Posted by Picasa

Time to go home.

This was one of the last relatively calm moments. It went downhill pretty fast from there... time to get these nutsos home for dinner. Posted by Picasa

Why are there more photos of Bianca?

Every now and then I'll get a tongue lashing about how there are always more photos of Bianca than Ivan lately. Well, that's only half the truth. Besides the fact that Bianca spends all day with me (hence more opportunity to photograph her), I probably take about an equal number of shots. You just don't get to see as many photos of Ivan because the vast majority of them turn out like this, or even goofier. NOW you know. Posted by Picasa