Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thanksgiving at the Ranch... not our ranch

My husband's boss hosted a Thanksgiving party on Sunday for everyone at the company. Horseback rides were one of the main attractions. Story below... Posted by Picasa

Ivan's first horseback ride

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Good horsey!

Ivan petting "Honey" after his ride to say thank you. Posted by Picasa
This kid was pretty cool. I could tell Ivan really admired him. Once again I must state, this is not my child, but it was such a great photo I wanted to post it. Posted by Picasa

Playing Cowboy

Ivan really wanted to hang out with this guy. It was obvious he thought he was soo coool and wanted to get a flavor of what it was like to hang out at the ranch. Posted by Picasa

My Bianca-Boozel-Boo!

My sweet doll, looking all sweet, but being a stinker and trying to hide from the camera. Posted by Picasa

A Texas Thanksgiving

I rode a horse today. Well, I didn't really "ride" a horse, I just sat on one while the friendly ranch hand led us around. I only did it because Bianca really wanted to go for a ride, but she was too scared to go by herself. She asked Mommy to go along, so I said, "Yes, for my girl!" Bianca sure enjoyed it. When we got done she was grinning from ear to ear. Posted by Picasa

To my husband, with love...

Michael had the camera and I heard him start chuckling as we started walking away from the fence. I turned back in time to shout at him, "I know what you're doing!" right as he clicked the shutter on my camera. He's so predictable. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How cute is that?

This is also, obviously, NOT my child.
This was from a photoshoot I did this morning.
I thought this guy was sooo cute in his flight suit,
I wanted to share this shot with everyone. :-) Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 07, 2005

MMmmmmm.... these Sweettarts are TART!

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Obviously, this is not my child. This is baby Julie again. She came over on Sunday for her 1 year photo sitting. This is one I caught that I think is both cute and hilarious, and I wanted to share it. :-) (Maybe this is what she thinks of my bad jokes?) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 03, 2005

My parents asked for some prints of the kids' Halloween pictures, so instead of just printing, I thought I'd do something a little more jazzy for them. The kids are excited about these too. :-) Posted by Picasa
This is Bianca at her witchiest. Peek at the images on the right margin above to see her practicing her E-he-he-he-he witch laugh. Very convincing!Posted by Picasa