Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yippee! Time for slip 'n slide!... for the kids at least. David is going to cut some wood pieces, Sue is going to make movies, and Oma is going to enjoy the shade and not having to referee the kids screaming for a few minutes until the newness of playing outside wears off. Posted by Picasa

Back when I was a kid, a slip 'n slide was a big piece of black plastic from a roll you got out of my parents garage and put in the front yard with the water hose running. You had to move fast because that black plastic got pretty hot laying out in the sun, and you did your slipping 'n sliding praying that you wouldn't nail your self on a tree root or impale yourself on a tree branch you didn't notice when you put the plastic down. I dunno, childhood these days seems like so much less of an adventure. (Carrie, I know you're reading this! I hope you're giggling until you wet your pants!!!!!!) Posted by Picasa

It looks way cooler in the pictures than it did in real life. *hehe* Posted by Picasa

Sue bought a 3-lane slip 'n slide for the kids. There wasn't much slipping or sliding though. Mostly just running to the end and splashing in the big puddle. Posted by Picasa

Bubbles from another angle! (Those are my little toes with red nail polish poking into the bottom right of the photo. Cute, huh?) Posted by Picasa

More "Bubbles with Sue" Posted by Picasa

The best close up my little point and shoot pocket digicam will do. :-) Posted by Picasa

Look what was blooming this morning when I left the house! I planted these pots of hybiscus and what-ever-the-heck (vincas maybe?) on Saturday when Patti was here. This morning I was greeted by two big happy blooms. I always love hybiscus, but last year I didn't even attempt any because I'm so bad at remembering to water. This year, M put my bit pots out of the garage and said he'd throw them away if I didn't use them. So I found these at walmart for $1.50 a pot. Not a bad deal. :-)))) I love them! I did red and pink in the past, but these are my first yellows. Posted by Picasa

Dr. Sue and Bianca blowing bubbles after our music lessons today. (7/6/05) Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 01, 2005

"Blah blah blah, you gotta read the card before you can open up the present." Posted by Picasa

When Ivan opened this one he exclaimed, "Wow! Just what I've always wanted!" A few days before when we walked through Toys R Us "just to see what they have," he was really enamored by the basketball hoop. Funny too, Santa had nothing to do with this gift. ;-) Posted by Picasa

I think Bianca might be the first person to have confused a basketball hoop with a hula hoop. Posted by Picasa

He stayed pretty busy unwrapping for quite a while. Posted by Picasa

(Do I even need to put a caption on this? *giggle* I'm thinking... he's destined for greatness!) Posted by Picasa

Ivan held up the money from opening birthday cards and exclaimed with great seriousness and excitement, "Wow! $50! I'm gonna buy a lollipop with that!" Mmm-hmm, you can buy a lot of suckers with that. ;-) Posted by Picasa

Yup, looks like he did a pretty good job trashing this room. Posted by Picasa