Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The whole brood in one spot for a few seconds. Yes, I let them torture me by taking photos of me with a point and shoot camera! It must have been an awful special occassion. Mother's Day 2005 at Great-grandmother's house. Posted by Hello

Momma and her monkeys. Posted by Hello

Mommy and Bianky in sorta matching dresses for Mother's Day. Posted by Hello

Ivan and Grandmommie cuttin' up at the restaurant. Posted by Hello

Grandmommie and her mommie. (Patti & Lois) Posted by Hello

"You should be able to hold a puzzle piece behind your back and tell me what state it is just by feeling it. Which state is this?" Texas! "Very good!!!" Posted by Hello

Great-Uncle Larry giving a geography lesson to Ivan. Posted by Hello

Bianca catches a few moments of quality time with Granddaddy Larry. Posted by Hello

One of the highlights of our short visits to great-grandma's house. (Larry's parents) Posted by Hello

Ivan plinking on the piano at great-grandma's house. Posted by Hello

I hope to be taking photos of this "for real" in a couple years. He already is interested in my piano lessons and he likes to point out the advantages of playing piano include being able to play more than one note at a time, and you can sing while you're playing. You can't do that with a wind instrument. Posted by Hello

B's version of Hide 'n Seek: Cover your eyes, Count to 10, and then run up to mommy or daddy and squeal, "I found you!" Whether or not anyone else is aware that they are playing. *giggle* It's very cute, and it keeps her busy for a few rounds with little or no parental participation. ;-) Posted by Hello

What a sweet sweet doll. *happy sigh* My Bianca Maria! Posted by Hello

Bianca helped sign cards with Daddy for all the mommies in the house. Posted by Hello

Bianca licked the envelopes. Yum! Posted by Hello

I thought this was a really cute picture of Ivan swinging at great-grandparents, but my wonderful husband who sang a beautiful solo at church for his mother and grandmother forgot to pack a pair of casual shoes. So he went around all day in short and black dress socks and dress shoes. *sigh!* I didn't marry him for his ability to think ahead nor for his fashion sense. (You'll just have to keep guessing why... ;-) Posted by Hello

Wild One Posted by Hello

She sure enjoyed marching around like this all afternoon. :-P Posted by Hello

We stopped by The Haircutting Place but they were pretty busy so we had a little time to spend. We stopped off at the park for a few minutes while we waited.
 Posted by Hello

Giggling, they went down the slide side by side together. Ooops, I guess that slide was wet after all that rain. They both got cold wet bottoms. *hehe* Sorry guys! Good thing we have a change of clothes for both of you in the van. Posted by Hello

I thought this was a pretty cool look, but Ivan said "It's not how my hair should be! All standing up like that. It's not right!" He's a little finicky about stuff. Posted by Hello

A lollipop and a haircut for the girl. Bianca's favorite part about the haircut place is the suckers... (the sucker stick was empty by this point, but she enjoyed chewing on the stick while she watched the lady work on her hair) Posted by Hello

Ivan gets a mechanical horsie ride after his hair cut. This is one of the highlights of the trip. Bianca refuses to ride it - the jerky start of the horse scares her. Posted by Hello

Back home to play after the haircuts. I'm not sure why they are playing ON the table here. It might be that they have an awful mother who neglects them and doesn't teach them how to act right. I dunno, just a guess. ;-))  Posted by Hello

Bianca (white shirt) with some of her Wee School friends. Avery (left) asked me if I could take a picture of her with my "little camera" and the other kids crowded in to get in on the action. CUTE and SWEET children in there! (much better in person, trust me...) Posted by Hello