Saturday, March 19, 2005

They each had a giant piece of paper to color and they were doing a great job. I decided to sneak off to start their bath water, and a couple minutes later this is what I found. They had decided to trace their hands and feet on Bianca's paper. Looks like one of them was more successful than the other.... :-P Posted by Hello

You two are getting tooo silly. Time for bath. Posted by Hello

"Mom, take a picture of me like this." Posted by Hello

Watch out: she may look cute from here, but she's 100% Guaranteed, Certified Trouble. Posted by Hello

*Wheeee!* Posted by Hello

"Look at my bubble chin!" Posted by Hello

Time to wash off bubble-chin. Posted by Hello

"Hey! What are you doing back there? Nobody told you to pour water on me. Stop that!" Posted by Hello

"I'll show you, Little Sister, I'll get you back!" Posted by Hello

"Oh yeah! Got you back gooood! *haha*" Posted by Hello

*giggle!* Posted by Hello

"I was reading my own bedtime story until you stuck that camera in my face." Posted by Hello

"Look, I'm reading. I'm really reading. I'm not kidding around anymore." Posted by Hello

"Yeah, ok, so I'm not really reading anymore. I look tired, don't I?" Posted by Hello

"Sooo tired.... Can't... hold... book... much... longer...." Posted by Hello

"Ok, let's see... if this were Braille, which foot would I read with?" Posted by Hello

"Yup, I'm pretty sure now. If this were Braille, I would be right-footed for sure." Posted by Hello

Now that's a sleepy little face. *awww* Posted by Hello

I'm not sure why he wanted me to see his foot, but hey, I'll take pictures of whatever they offer. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Big Brother lends a hand unwrapping the first present. Posted by Hello

Woo woo! A new hat! Posted by Hello

Call me crazy, but something about this doesn't look like a good idea... Posted by Hello

Birthday games should be FUN, right? Posted by Hello

Look, someone put gooey, wiggly lizards in the pinata! Posted by Hello

Somebody's really getting into the festive mood. Posted by Hello